Hysteroscopy is used to evaluate the uterus. A hysteroscopy (narrow telescope with light and camera) is inserted into the vagina to see the uterus’s cervix. It is used to remove abnormal growth that causes infertility and abnormal bleeding.
Hysteroscopy is needed when the person is suffering from abnormal bleeding, heavy menstruation, or irregular spotting after menopause. It is also used to diagnose infertility, removal of the placenta after birth or after several miscarriages.
Hysteroscopy is may used in removing uterine structural abnormalities. Or detect whether you have uterine spectrum or not that lead you to pregnancy complication and miscarriage.
Hysteroscopy is done in the hospital or fertility clinic. Speculum is an instrument that is inserted in your vagina to open your cervix. General anaesthesia is given or your lower part will be numb for a short period of time if you are awake.
Once your cervix is opened it gets cleaned with antiseptic solution. Now the hysteroscope is slowly inserted in your vagina and fluid or gas is pumped through the hysteroscope that clears the image for the doctor to diagnose and help on detecting any abnormality in your uterus or in the fallopian tube.
Hysteroscopy is done to check the health of the uterus and it helps in diagnosing many uterus diseases such as blockage, infertility, abnormal vaginal bleeding or miscarriage. We at Jariwala Women’s Hospital, with our experienced doctor and cutting-edge technology, make sure your hysteroscopy is comfortable and pain-free.
Even though hysteroscopy surgery is safe and has fewer complications. The risks that are involved are:-
After the Hysteroscopy surgery, you might feel cramps and discomfort but it is not painful.
The surgery is completed in one day. And you might continue your routine afterwards.
Getting an infection from gas or fluid used in the hysteroscopy is very rare compared to other surgeries. If you suffer from any infections consult with your doctor.
A hysteroscope is a thin tube that has a camera and light at the end, which is inserted in the cervix to examine the uterus.
You may rest in the recovery room for several hours after the anaesthesia and some vaginal bleeding with mild cramps can be observed.
Avoid eating highly artificial sugary products and drinks before the surgery.
In hysteroscopy, the doctor uses this surgery to diagnose the uterus's health and to detect the cause of infertility whereas in hysterectomy the uterus is removed in the surgery.
Your doctor may consult you with some tests like blood tests and pregnancy tests as this surgery cannot be performed if you are pregnant.