Giving birth to a child is beautiful and memorable for women but this process sometimes is really painful and becomes unbearable for the mother. To overcome painful delivery new techniques are developed, the technique used in this delivery is labour analgesia in which a drug is used in the epidural that reduces the pain and the mother is still able to push the baby.
Before opting for painless delivery the mother should consult with her doctor first. It is a good option if:-
Epidural is used in this delivery to reduce labour pain. A combination of drugs is injected into the body through a needle and plastic tube. The main work of the drug is to reduce the pain of a contraction. The mother should inform the doctor prior if she has any allergy regarding any medicine or in general.
Even though painless delivery helps the mother to a great extent but it comes with some side effects such as:-
The decision for opting painless delivery is made by a doctor or gynaecologist after diagnosing the condition of the mother. If the mother has any underlining disease such as asthma, high blood pressure or diabetes then the mother should avoid this process.
Epidural is used to reduce the pain and it numbs your lower body but despite that, the mother can push the baby.
Even though there are many complications like dizziness and headaches but they can be cured with medication prescribed by the doctor.
This often causes concern to mothers that going for painless delivery will harm the baby but there is no scientific proof that shows it is harmful for the baby.
Pain is very subjective it depends on person-to-person, epidural numbs the lower body and blocks the pain. Even though it makes the delivery painless but the relief is temporary.
Epidural is an injection that is injected in the lower back of the mother that helps to relieve the pain of childbirth.
Yes, painless delivery is safe for both the mother and child. It also helps the mother relieve the exhaustion and pain and makes childbirth comfortable and easy for the mother.
The epidural is injected when the mother is in active labour and the contractions are frequent and last up to 1 minute and the cervix widens to 7cm.
Painless delivery relaxes the mother’s vagina and helps the baby to come out not only this but it also reduces the mother's exhaustion, irritability, and severe pain.
Epidural is given to the mother during active labour and it stops when the baby is born. The time depends on the mother but generally, it is 2 hours.