The baby is delivered through the vagina without any surgery. Our doctors try their best to opt for this as it reduces illness in the mother and baby and the bacteria fluid that helps the baby pass through the canal improves the baby's immunity not only this but for the mother, vaginal delivery also helps them to recover faster.
Laparoscopic surgery is used to remove the damaged tissue that developed inside your lower abdomen and pelvic region. It is considered a good option when:-
In natural delivery, the medication and injections are reduced which also reduces the risk of prolonged delivery and any disease in the baby.
Recover from a C-section surgery takes weeks which makes it difficult for the mother to feed the baby whereas, in a normal delivery, the mother recovers faster and is able to feed the baby comfortably.
A child born from normal delivery has better guts and avoids allergies, asthma, and injections.
If a child is born through normal delivery then the mother and child both recover quickly and soon after the delivery mother is allowed to eat a normal diet without high sugar, spice, and oil.
The normal delivery process started with labour. There are three stages in labour:
in this labour the contraction started and makes the cervix widen for the baby to deliver. Early labour is not that strong which is why women stay at home to try to ease the pain and drink lots of liquid and light meals. And if the contraction becomes stronger and the woman even can not talk then she moves to active labour.
In this stage, the woman is needed to be taken to the hospital. The cervix widens to 7cm and contraction becomes frequent and lasts a minute. Frequent contractions open the cervix and the labour progress may break the water which leads to a burst of liquid. Once the water breaks the contraction becomes frequent. At this stage, a woman tries to relax by changing position or by gentle massage or hot and cold compression is made. In this stage relaxing is really important for the mother and child, it also helps the cervix to widen.
This stage is really painful and stressful. At this point the contraction becomes frequent and last more than one minute and the cervix opens to 9-10cm. The child's head moves down toward the vagina and the woman feels pushed as there is a lot of pressure on her cervix. Once the doctor gives a check of the cervix that should be wider and open to allow the baby out.
The contraction becomes stronger and stronger and last longer than before. Once the cervix is widened fully, the contraction helps the child's head to move to the birth canal and the doctor asks the woman to push with each contraction.
Women tend to feel irritated and nauseous at this stage and want to be left alone. The mother may feel severe pain and cramps in the pelvic area as the baby’s head is above the vaginal canal. At this stage, the doctor makes a small incision between the vagina and rectum, which makes the birth area wider and the baby easily comes out.
Once the child is delivered, the contraction delivered the placenta (it is an organ that grows during the pregnancy). The nurse massages the abdomen to make the placenta separation easy because it takes an hour to come out after the birth.
Usually, babies are breastfed soon after delivery whereas some babies take time. Breastfeeding soon after the delivery reduces the bleeding and makes the uterus contract.
Women when reaching the final stage of labour and the contraction is frequent with severe pain at that point women should visit the hospital.
Yes, normal delivery is painful but it is manageable. The pain is usually because of contraction.
Doctors may recommend eating light food during early labour but avoid food like meat or solid food.
Natural delivery is very common if a woman does not have any complications like obstructed labour or umbilical cord prolapse, then women have vaginal delivery.